Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator Support Product Page


Populate form fields on a Detail / Update Page

Asked 19 Oct 2016 10:16:23
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19 Oct 2016 10:16:23 Greta Garberini posted:
Is there a certain procedure for populating the form with correct data on an update page with an URL variable?
The tutorial video shows a case where the form is populated within a detail region, whereas my form should be generated on an extra update page, filtered by an URL parameter. The generator still puts {{Name}} in the form field instead of something like {{[0].Name}}. There is no repeat region necessary on such a page.

If this is a long form with many fields, it is annoying to correct those entries by hand. Is there a procedure which I must have overlooked?

The same applies on a Detail page in combination with an URL parameter and auto-generating a dynamic table with DMX autogenerating table extension.


Replied 19 Oct 2016 10:30:09
19 Oct 2016 10:30:09 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
It is explained here how to do this ..
Replied 19 Oct 2016 13:42:10
19 Oct 2016 13:42:10 Greta Garberini replied:
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I know this - and I know how to do it. My question obviously was not clear enough. I was referring to both auto-generating extensions for a) forms, b) for dynamic tables. If you try to use them following the above mentioned procedure it will fail, since the auto-generating extensions always seem to need repeat regions (with a detail region).
The auto-generators always seem to create dynamic fields like {{Name}} whereas one would need {{[0].Name}} as a dynamic field.
So, what am I missing here?
Replied 19 Oct 2016 14:11:09
19 Oct 2016 14:11:09 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
The generator does not require a detail region when you select a server connect action file as a source.
1. Create a server action file with a query, filtered by a POST var
2. Create an executor for it, and setup the POST var to pint to your URL parameter so your query will return one result only, filtered by the URL param.
3. Create a repeat region your page out of it.
4. Create an update record action - containing an update record step, add the table you want to update and add your filter value. The update record step adds the post vars automatically as values, so do not change them.
5. Inside your repeat region add the form, created out of server connect action file (not data bindings source) - select the proper values from the query to be assigned for the fields.
6. Create your update executor.

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