DMXzone File System Connector Support Product Page
Virtual directories
Asked 03 May 2016 21:13:14
has this question
03 May 2016 21:13:14 dennis bates posted:
has anyone tried this with virtual directories on IIS servers? would it work even if dreamweaver file system can't see the directory? Replies
Replied 04 May 2016 08:22:24
04 May 2016 08:22:24 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Dennis,
With ASP it will "see" the virtual folders, as it uses Server.MapPath to get the physical path.
In PHP it will not work.
With ASP it will "see" the virtual folders, as it uses Server.MapPath to get the physical path.
In PHP it will not work.
Replied 04 May 2016 08:48:59
04 May 2016 08:48:59 dennis bates replied:
Thank you very much that will be useful for my next project