DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page

Webkit script exception error

Reported 02 Aug 2018 00:53:02
has this problem
02 Aug 2018 00:53:02 william wakefield posted:
Server Connect
I am using Windows 10 and have tried with both Dreamweaver CC and CS6
When trying to create a new Server action I get "file error creation, webkit script exception"
See here jpg:


Replied 02 Aug 2018 10:19:01
02 Aug 2018 10:19:01 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi William,
Which version of DW CC are you using exactly?
Also - does it make any difference if you have the server connect panel pinned to any side of the DW window (left for example)?
Replied 03 Aug 2018 01:31:51
03 Aug 2018 01:31:51 william wakefield replied:
I have both Dreamweaver CS6 and CC (version 13) both experience the same error and it makes no difference if I place panel on right or left side
Replied 05 Aug 2018 07:43:00
05 Aug 2018 07:43:00 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
The extensions require CC2014+ and I see you are using an older version. Please update your DW to a more recent version.

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