DMXzone Calendar 3 Support Product Page

Error when binding other $FORM to current calendar3 input with DB Formatter

Reported 10 Dec 2015 03:22:48
has this problem
10 Dec 2015 03:22:48 Firdaus Rohman posted:
When I want to bind current calendar3 input with other $FORM with Data Bindings Formatter it shows error "Nothing Selected".

This error doesn't happen with other html inputs, only with calendar3 .

I have to emulate with other input and copy the data-* to calendar3 input tag or hand code myself and it works. Hopefully the gui issue will be fixed.



Replied 10 Dec 2015 09:12:59
10 Dec 2015 09:12:59 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please describe a little more detailed what exactly are you trying to achieve?!
Replied 10 Dec 2015 09:52:22
10 Dec 2015 09:52:22 Firdaus Rohman replied:
For example I want to data-binding-disabled a calendar depends on specific input of other input element like

data-binding-disabled="{{($FORM.Country =='Singapore')}}"

Actually this is related to my question here

I need to preset validity date on calendar based on country, for example, if input Country == Singapore the validity will be 3 months, if != Singapore then 2 years.

I had to create 2 calendars with +90 initial value and another with +2y initial value. If Country input != Singapore then disable and hide the calendar with +90 initial value, vice versa.

Please let me know if you have better solution or if it is possible to use conditional data bindings formatter to achieve this.

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