DMXzone Nivo Slider 3 Support Product Page


Removing overlay elements and max size when responsive.

9 years ago David Chamberlain posted:
I am trying to find a way of 'turning off' the titles and descriptions (and other items overlaying the image) if the size of a responsive slider becomes below a certain height or width. The converse is also true - is it possible to stop the images/slider getting any larger over a certain width?


Replied 9 years ago
9 years ago David Chamberlain replied:
For the next couple of weeks see for why this is asked for especially when you reduce it to phone size
Replied 9 years ago
9 years ago Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Using media queries you could just se display:none for the .nivo-caption class.

As for the size - nivo slider fills 100% of the container it is placed into. So just set a max width of your wrapping container.

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