DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page


Updated DW to 2015 load a file it wants to install about 10 extensions

Asked 24 Aug 2015 21:16:48
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24 Aug 2015 21:16:48 Captain Bob Grant posted:
I updated to Win 10 om a 64bit. I updated DW to 2015 and now every time I load a file it wants to install about 10 extensions like Calendar 2, and PrintIt, etc. However the form that pops up and says you need to insert the S/N is not functioning - no S/N field. I have to cancel and then the next one pops up with the same problem. I have to continue to do until the last extension. When I use the DMX Extension Manage to update/add extensions then my DMX extensions do not show under INSERT but they do under COMMAND wanting to convert an existing. I spent hours on this trying to figure out what the problem is. Now I'm here.


Replied 24 Aug 2015 23:40:37
24 Aug 2015 23:40:37 Captain Bob Grant replied:
ok I have the extensions working after un-install/re-install of the extension manager but I still have opening DW 2015 and a file where about 8 extensions want to go through S/N verification.
Replied 24 Aug 2015 23:40:38
24 Aug 2015 23:40:38 Captain Bob Grant replied:
ok I have the extensions working after un-install/re-install of the extension manager but I still have opening DW 2015 and a file where about 8 extensions want to go through S/N verification.
Replied 25 Aug 2015 07:09:41
25 Aug 2015 07:09:41 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please do not use the Adobe Extension Manager, as it is full of bugs.
Use the DMXzone Extension Manager in order to install your extensions:
Replied 25 Aug 2015 18:58:31
25 Aug 2015 18:58:31 Captain Bob Grant replied:
Thanks Theodore - you might consider an announcement or Blog because a lot of people use the Adobe Manager and must be really frustrated.

My problem is not the extension manager.

When I open DW 2015 and then open a file to work on i.e. web page, I get the following popup. As you can see I cannot insert the s/n [previous version would auto populate], nothing. I have no choice but to cancel this one and then the next extension shows. I have to do this about 8 times before I can actually start work on the file.

fyi: I need support on the Nivo 3 so when you get chance please have a look there. Everything is installed on the Server but no slideshow.
Replied 25 Aug 2015 20:03:29
25 Aug 2015 20:03:29 George Petrov replied:
Replied 26 Aug 2015 04:26:05
26 Aug 2015 04:26:05 Captain Bob Grant replied:
Hi George,

Thanks. Although this was one of the first things [update all at the same time] I did last week I've been doing them individually for quite some time since.

Good news is that doing the All at one time today so far has fixed the situation.

I did get a few error messages about not being 64bit compatible.

I did shut DW down and up quite a few times during this process and each time it got better till I had one error message on the Universal Form Validator. So I removed that from the manager and now I'm clean on startup of DW 2015.

I'll check out the Blogs and probably subscribe to keep up with things. I have a lot of your extensions that we use.

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