Extended Bootstrap 3 Collection Support Product Page


How do i set the color of a striped table?

Reported 16 Dec 2015 21:28:14
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16 Dec 2015 21:28:14 Mike Hicks posted:
I have two problems with a striped table.

First - I have two tables , one after another. Each table is in its own container. The first striped table has a white table header. The second one has a colored header. Can I reset the header color so that BOTH are the same color?

I put in my site CSS file the following:

.table .table-responsive .table-striped th {
background-color: white; (I also tried color: white; and it didn't work either)
and it did not reset the color.....the first table header is white and the second table heading is colored.
the problem page is located at www.shadowsnetwork.com/hosting.html

Second: how do I set the color of the striping for a table?

Third: should I specify my CSS file in the theme input box on the Bootstrap 3 options box?


Replied 17 Dec 2015 09:34:04
17 Dec 2015 09:34:04 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please first fix the syntax errors in your table code. You've placed th inside tr, without the <thead> tags, which causes your issues.
I am pretty sure Bootstrap 3 did not generate the code like it is now:

            <th>Web Hosting Pricing</th>

Replied 17 Dec 2015 20:53:23
17 Dec 2015 20:53:23 Mike Hicks replied:
Aargh! This has been one frustrating project. I had mysterious code changes in both my CSS and source files and no idea what is introducing them. I just recreated those tables and the problem cleared. The new table does have the table header inside a table row:

<th> </th>

but there were other syntax errors which is why I just recreated the tables.


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