DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page


Detailed Tutorial for using BS3 to create responsive websites?

Asked 03 Feb 2015 23:26:53
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03 Feb 2015 23:26:53 H K posted:
So we have DW CC now, and DMX BS3. We are looking for a step by step tutorial on how to use DMX BS3. I see there are quite a few videos on the product page but they are not a full tutorial. We are experienced web designers, but are just getting into responsive websites, which is why DMX BS3. Can anyone direct us to a specific and fairly thorough tutorial on DMX BS3, and if there is not one, on using Bootstrap with Dreamweaver to make responsive websites? Thank you!


Replied 04 Feb 2015 08:30:21
04 Feb 2015 08:30:21 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please go to this page: and watch the last 5 videos in the list ( at the bottom). They explain detailed the features of Bootstrap 3.

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