DMXzone Database Updater PHP Support Product Page
How do you make a drop menu dynamic and the selected option opens the detailed page?
Asked 10 Mar 2015 17:16:53
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10 Mar 2015 17:16:53 jeff Napadow posted:
I need to have one page display the types of cars and the user selects from a dynamic drop menu. Then they click the Submit button that will open a page with the results. Is there a tutorial for this easy task? Replies
Replied 10 Mar 2015 17:35:38
10 Mar 2015 17:35:38 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
You can either do this on the same page, and filter your results data source by the selected value or if you want to use a separate page, just send the value using url variable (let's say your drop down is called "carType" then the button can just be:
And on the detail page just filter your data source by the same url variable $FORM.carType
You can either do this on the same page, and filter your results data source by the selected value or if you want to use a separate page, just send the value using url variable (let's say your drop down is called "carType" then the button can just be:
<a href="detailpage.php?carType={{$FORM.carType}}">Submit</a>
And on the detail page just filter your data source by the same url variable $FORM.carType
Replied 10 Mar 2015 17:41:35
10 Mar 2015 17:41:35 jeff Napadow replied:
How do I create the dynamic dropdown though? I can't seem to figure it out.
Replied 10 Mar 2015 17:47:45
10 Mar 2015 17:47:45 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please check the video tutorials - all is explained there:
1. Creating a dynamic dropdown with static/empty first option:
2. Creating a dynamic dropdown
1. Creating a dynamic dropdown with static/empty first option:
2. Creating a dynamic dropdown