DMXzone Database Updater PHP Support Product Page

Under investigation

Insert and search forms

Reported 21 Jan 2014 18:12:58
has this problem
21 Jan 2014 18:12:58 Gianmario Colciago posted:

My page has two modules (1.registration form - 2. Search form).
Before I enter data into the database with the first form, the second form works perfectly.
After insertion, the search form is not working, or rather, it works only after refreshing the page.

What is missing in my code ?

 /* dmxDatabaseAction name "EXE_insertLibro" */
         {"id": "EXE_insertLibro", "url": "dmxDatabaseActions/ACT_insertLibro.php", "alertError": false, "data": {"titololibro": "{{$FORM.titololibro}}", "sottotitolo": "{{$FORM.sottotitolo}}", "autorelibro": "{{$FORM.autorelibro}}", "editrice": "{{$FORM.editore}}", "luogoanno": "{{$FORM.luogoanno}}", "numeropagine": "{{$FORM.numeropagine}}", "collana": "{{$FORM.collana}}", "sel_biblioteca": "{{$FORM.sel_biblioteca}}", "sel_tipo": "{{$FORM.sel_tipo}}", "sel_classi": "{{$FORM.sel_classi}}", "sel_divisioni": "{{$FORM.sel_divisioni}}", "edizione": "{{$FORM.edizione}}", "posizionenew": "{{$FORM.posizionenew}}", "note": "{{$FORM.note}}"}, "success": "dmxDataBindingsAction(\'refresh\',\'libriElenco\',{\'url\':\'dmxDatabaseSources/DS_libri.php?limit=25\'});dmxAnimate(\'#book-control\', {}, {\'right\': \'-390px\'}, {\'duration\': 600});dmxDataBindingsAction(\'setPage\',\'libriElenco\',\'first\');"}
  /* END dmxDatabaseAction name "EXE_insertLibro" */


Replied 21 Jan 2014 20:01:00
21 Jan 2014 20:01:00 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please send a link to your page to:

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