HTML5 Data Bindings Support Product Page
Apply dynamic class or id on selected object
Asked 05 Feb 2014 23:49:17
has this question
05 Feb 2014 23:49:17 Nikolaos Beligiannis posted:
Hi. I am sure that it's easy to achieve just can't find out how. I have a repeat region and a detail region. I want to add a dynamic class to the selected object on my repeat region so it gets highlited when clicked. Spry had this by default, the active element was assigned a class value automatically for styling purposes. How can I achieve the similar here? Assign a class value of 'picked' when an item in my repeated region is clicked. Or how can I identify the active element on my repeat region so I style it properly. Thank you.
Replied 06 Feb 2014 10:24:25
06 Feb 2014 10:24:25 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Niko,
You can add the following code to your repeat element:
Where XXXXX is the class name you want to assign. This will be added in the UI of the extension in the next updates
You can add the following code to your repeat element:
Where XXXXX is the class name you want to assign. This will be added in the UI of the extension in the next updates