DMXzone Bootstrap Support Product Page


bottstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive + custom css?

Asked 07 Jun 2013 13:19:20
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07 Jun 2013 13:19:20 tony dolce posted:
Hi all,
I'm creating a new website using this extension.
I have a question related to the bootstrap css files.
The extension installs 2 main css files: bootstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive.css.
I need to customize some colors so I created a custom.css and placed it just below the bootstrap.css in the head of my document. It works, my navbar is style correctly.
But when the site adapt to mobile or tablets color changes are gone (since they loads from bootstrap-responsive.css).
So, what is the best way to customize bootstrap css?
For example, I need to change the navbar colors and make them identical on desktop and mobile.
Have I to create a custom-responsive.css file and place below the bootstrap-responsive.css in the head of my document?


Replied 07 Jun 2013 14:23:17
07 Jun 2013 14:23:17 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello tony,

What i recommend is:
1. Place your css file below the bootstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive.css
2. Add your media queries with changes in it (no need to create a custom responsive css file)

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