DMXzone Supersized Support Product Page
Supersized works OK on my Testing Server but not on Website
Asked 17 Jun 2012 10:11:26
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17 Jun 2012 10:11:26 Len CHAPMAN posted:
Supersized works OK on my testing Server. I upload all the relevant files and folders to my website correctly (I think!) but nothing shows when I run the page online. I have checked everything is correct but now at the point where I am not seeing what I am looking at! Maybe another pair of eyes can spot where I have gone wrong or the problem. Your help appreciated.Relevant page is here
Replied 18 Jun 2012 04:54:21
18 Jun 2012 04:54:21 Len CHAPMAN replied:
A fresh look this morning solved the problem. I had too many boxes checked. Have to say it is not clear what the boxes do - particularly the slideshow box i.e whether it is on or off. Had to experiment until I found a combination that worked.
Replied 18 Jun 2012 04:56:03
18 Jun 2012 04:56:03 Len CHAPMAN replied:
For anyone's interest revised installation is here
Replied 18 Jun 2012 06:19:04
18 Jun 2012 06:19:04 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Len,
All of the options/checkboxes are described in the user's manual.
All of the options/checkboxes are described in the user's manual.