DMXzone Supersized Support Product Page

Under investigation

DMXxone Supesized

Reported 20 Mar 2012 16:08:31
has this problem
20 Mar 2012 16:08:31 Alverto spizylatn posted:
Hey George,

I recentely purchased the DMXxone Supesized and I was implementing it by playing around with it. I managed to make it work but in some cases it would not and it would add extra lines.
Below is a message the automatically appears and it would add an extra forward slash with I would make a change in the Advanced features.
/* END dmxSupersized name "dmxSupersized" *//

Also I wanted to remove all of the option of the slide show as the advance features lets you but it would not slide. By looking more at the raw code and manually changing some from false to true it worked.

Is this a bug that I may have or what could it be?


Replied 21 Mar 2012 06:44:28
21 Mar 2012 06:44:28 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Alverto and welcome to DMXZone support forum.

We will investigate the issue with double slash.Removing the extra slash manualy from the code will make the extension to work again.
Can you specify exactly which check boxes in advanced tab you had removed ? Note that removing Autoplay and Set Slideshow On/Off will cause the extension to disable sliding functionality.

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 26 Mar 2012 18:44:48
26 Mar 2012 18:44:48 Alverto spizylatn replied:

I on the extension I disabled all except Auto Play and had the ON of the slideshow because I wanted the slide show to play without the extras on it. This is the website I used the extension on

Replied 27 Mar 2012 07:05:31
27 Mar 2012 07:05:31 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Alverto.

Did you uploaded the page ? I receive 404 Error Page not found on your link.
Replied 28 Mar 2012 15:31:18
28 Mar 2012 15:31:18 Alverto spizylatn replied:
There was a period on the end of the URL but here is it
This reply was removed on 3/29/2012 6:19:06 AM.
See the changelog

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