Google Maps Directions Add-on Support Product Page


Find closest marker returns directions between existing markers

Reported 07 Aug 2012 14:50:17
has this problem
07 Aug 2012 14:50:17 Tim Walker posted:
Hi, I followed the instructions in the video tutorial to find the directions between the closest marker and the supplied location. However when I supply a location, I just get directions between two of the markers on the page (not even the closest two).

Does anyone know of a fix for this?


Replied 08 Aug 2012 05:54:49
08 Aug 2012 05:54:49 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Mike.

Can you provide us with link to your page?

Replied 08 Aug 2012 09:10:21
08 Aug 2012 09:10:21 Tim Walker replied:
Hi Vulcho,

The page is here:

Many thanks
Replied 08 Aug 2012 13:28:12
08 Aug 2012 13:28:12 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

Please make sure these two options are set like on the following screenshot in the autocomplete options:
Replied 09 Aug 2012 14:00:37
09 Aug 2012 14:00:37 Tim Walker replied:
That's solved it, thanks.

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