DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page


Floating box script causing conflict with maps

Asked 28 Jan 2013 20:21:37
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28 Jan 2013 20:21:37 Ann Daman posted:
My maps were not showing and I couldn't figure out why. I finally started adding sections piece by piece to a test page and figured out that the floating box script I have on that page is conflicting. I've tried moving it around on the page, but as long as it's there, the map doesn't show.

Here's my test page:


Replied 29 Jan 2013 15:27:51
29 Jan 2013 15:27:51 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Ann.

I read in the product documentation of Floating box , that is using Prototype JavaScript framework which is not compatible with Jquery library. Currently that is causing your page to respond with JavaScript errors and is breaking down the both extensions.

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 29 Jan 2013 21:03:54
29 Jan 2013 21:03:54 Ann Daman replied:
Thanks, Vulcho. That's just some free code I found online. I don't need to have the floating box on those pages, so I'll probably leave it off. But if I wanted to put one back, is there somewhere I should go to find that code?

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