DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page
marker z-index
Asked 05 Oct 2012 07:45:11
has this question
05 Oct 2012 07:45:11 Egon Pescollderungg posted:
How can I set different z-index for multiple markers ?{"latitude": 46.49752, "longitude": 11.91732, "icon": {"image": "", "iconsize": [32, 37] }, "html": "marker text", "title": "", "popup": true}, {"latitude": 46.495347, "longitude": 11.874914, "icon": {"image": "", "iconsize": [32, 37] }, "html": "marker text", "title": "", "popup": true},
Replied 05 Oct 2012 09:16:20
05 Oct 2012 09:16:20 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Egon.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
Replied 05 Oct 2012 11:47:22
05 Oct 2012 11:47:22 Egon Pescollderungg replied:
Thank you Vulcho,
... and there is possible to change the z-index of multiple infowindows ?
... and there is possible to change the z-index of multiple infowindows ?