Online Page Editor Add-on Support Product Page


Compatability issues with Dreamweaver editable regions.

Reported 29 Mar 2012 12:56:44
has this problem
29 Mar 2012 12:56:44 Ian Musk posted:

When using repeating regions the

Page Editor always opens the first repeating region irrespective of which "pencil" marker

you choose to edit (each repeating region gets a "pencil" marker). If you add a div

around all the repeating region area and choose Page Editor settings to select only a

named div (the one enclsoing all the repeating regions), then ok it seems as you can edit

anywhere in any repeating region, BUT when you save it strips out all DW editable regions

code in this enclosing div. So if you sync the online version of the file so you can add

new repeat regions locally then no chance! As all the DW editable regions code is tripped

you can no longer edit content locally.

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