Sliding Billboard Support Product Page
DMX Sliding Billboard Access to Update Pages
Asked 10 Apr 2012 19:01:40
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10 Apr 2012 19:01:40 Karen Fry posted:
I have used the DMX Sliding Billboard for a long time and recently am having problems opening the extension in pages previously built with this extension. I need to know how to launch the Sliding Billboard to update with new images.I need to make updates ASAP.
Replied 11 Apr 2012 06:13:41
11 Apr 2012 06:13:41 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Karen and welcome to DMXZone support forum.
Please take a look at the product manual which will explain how to edit your existing sliding billboard.
DMXZone Sliding Billboard Manual
Regards: Vulcho.
Please take a look at the product manual which will explain how to edit your existing sliding billboard.
DMXZone Sliding Billboard Manual
Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 11 Apr 2012 22:36:03
11 Apr 2012 22:36:03 Karen Fry replied:
Thanks, Vulcho. It took me a long time but I finally located the Sliding Billboard icon and it launched the current slideshow. Before, I could double-click in the properties and it would open. Thanks for your response. I appreciate it very much.