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Shared 19 Dec 2023 08:22:24
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19 Dec 2023 08:22:24 Sabina Babington posted:
What can you tell me about fighting depression, guys? I think I may have some sympthoms of it. In the morning I can hardly get up. And then there is that damn contstant fatigue. But everybody seems to be laughing at me all the time, saying I should go and find a job! Do you think who is right?


Replied 19 Dec 2023 13:43:32
19 Dec 2023 13:43:32 Crawford Evans replied:
I think that nobody is right. Or everybody is right. Up to you to choose. On one hand, depression is not a whim. And if you have it or suspect that you have it, you need to start browsing sources for solutions against depression and conquer it the sooner, the better. On another hand, an idle mind is likely to catch this illness faster. So getting a job won't hurt either.

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