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accounts receivable and payable

Shared 17 Dec 2023 18:49:50
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17 Dec 2023 18:49:50 avetak loger posted:
Why is it important for medical centers to control accounts receivable and payable?


Replied 02 Jan 2024 09:25:52
02 Jan 2024 09:25:52 berington kroatter replied:
Efficient accounts receivable management is not solely about financial gains; it also has a significant impact on patient relationships. Patients appreciate transparency and clarity in billing processes. By promptly addressing billing queries, providing understandable invoices, and streamlining the payment process, medical centers can enhance trust and satisfaction among their patient community.
Replied 02 Jan 2024 09:29:04
02 Jan 2024 09:29:04 quertim herrut replied:
Medical centers, like any other organization, rely on a stable and predictable cash flow to meet their financial obligations. Efficient management of accounts receivable ensures that payments for services rendered are collected promptly. This, in turn, contributes to the financial stability of the medical center, enabling it to invest in advanced medical technologies, staff training, and facility improvements. Here https://pharmbills.com/blog/differences-between-accounts-receivable-and-accounts-payable you can find detailed information that I hope will also be useful to you

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