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how much wet and dry food to feed a cat

Shared 23 Aug 2023 07:11:42
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23 Aug 2023 07:11:42 User  posted:
The texture of wet cat food is another appealing factor, particularly for cats with dental problems or older felines with decreased chewing ability. The soft and moist consistency of wet food is easy to chew and digest, making it suitable for cats with sensitive teeth or oral discomfort. how much wet and dry food to feed a cat Additionally, the enhanced aroma and flavor of wet cat food can entice even the pickiest eaters, encouraging them to consume their meals.


Replied 23 Aug 2023 10:00:48
23 Aug 2023 10:00:48 Harry Brook replied:
Remember, every cat is different. Factors like age, weight, activity level, and health conditions influence feeding requirements. Consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate portions of wet and dry food to maintain your cat's ideal weight and health.

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