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Grandmaster chess lessons

Shared 31 May 2024 09:18:45
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31 May 2024 09:18:45 Willam Hill posted:

Seeking a dedicated chess coach who offers private lessons for both children and adults? Visit chess-grandmaster.com for detailed information about Valery Filippov, a grandmaster ready to help you refine your chess skills and attain your objectives. Valery’s teaching approach is thorough and responsible, drawing on his vast experience to provide personal attention and unique methods that satisfy even the most discerning students. The remote communication format is a significant advantage, valued by many clients for its convenience. Furthermore, the cost of classes is attractive, with options to pay for individual lessons or select packages of 5 or 10 lessons. Additional benefits of training with Valery Filippov include a wide selection of gift cards, the use of advanced chess software, and the development of personalized programs tailored to each student’s skill level. If you have any questions, simply call the contact number or submit an online inquiry, and you’ll receive all the information you need promptly!

Grandmaster chess lessons online.

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