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Diamonds as a sign of power and prestige

Asked 13 Feb 2024 13:22:32
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13 Feb 2024 13:22:32 Naice Little posted:
Hey everyone! I'm curious about the cultural significance of diamonds in India. How have diamonds been perceived historically as a symbol of power and prestige in Indian society? Any insights or stories you can share about the role of diamond jewellery in showcasing status?


Replied 13 Feb 2024 13:35:44
13 Feb 2024 13:35:44 Nero Smail replied:
Diamonds have long held a special place in Indian culture! In India, diamonds are not just accessories; they're symbols of power, wealth, and prestige. Historically, royals adorned themselves with exquisite diamond jewellery to showcase their regal status. If you're looking for a touch of elegance, check out (pierrejewellery.in) stunning collection on their website. Today, this tradition continues, and diamond jewellery remains a powerful statement of sophistication and influence.

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