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How to become an app developer?

Asked 20 Sep 2023 18:26:12
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20 Sep 2023 18:26:12 Alexa Femch posted:
As a fastidious developer, I'm looking for resources to improve my mobile development skills. Do you know of any other interesting sites?


Replied 20 Sep 2023 18:31:49
20 Sep 2023 18:31:49 tania proforuk replied:
I'm a developer too, and not a single resource I've come across has helped me much, I have high requirements for resources, but flipabit.dev really impressed me! This resource provides an incredible amount of useful information and tools for mobile development. I feel that every visitor to this site is a part of a large community of developers who are always ready to support and inspire. Now I really feel that nothing can beat it!
Replied 21 Sep 2023 09:54:37
21 Sep 2023 09:54:37 Kimberly Fleming replied:
Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com): Stack Overflow is a community-driven Q&A platform where developers can ask questions, share knowledge, and learn from each other. It's an excellent resource for troubleshooting and finding solutions to specific coding problems.

GitHub (github.com): GitHub is a code hosting and collaboration platform that's essential for version control and collaborative development. You can find numerous open-source mobile app projects to study and contribute to on GitHub.

Google Developers (developer.android.com): If you're interested in Android development, Google Developers provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and resources for Android app development, including the official Android Developer Guide.

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