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Entergy - Is it worth it?

Asked 21 Jul 2023 14:33:22
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21 Jul 2023 14:33:22 Nate Terner posted:
Hey everyone, I'm considering using Entergy for my electricity, but I'm not sure if they're worth it. Can anyone share their experiences with them? Are they affordable and reliable or should I look for other options? Let me know your honest opinions and reviews!


Replied 21 Jul 2023 14:34:35
21 Jul 2023 14:34:35 Jake Gogling replied:
Hi all! From smart thermostats to energy saving appliances, Entergy promotes sustainable energy practices that ultimately lower energy costs for consumers. In addition, through its energy efficiency programs, Entergy helps customers identify areas where energy consumption can be optimized, further reducing their utility bills. You can read more about this in Entergy reviews and you might want to check out one of their energy saving programs.

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