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Form of payment in the institution
Asked 19 May 2023 18:12:04
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19 May 2023 18:12:04 Louk Nilos posted:
What form of payment does your establishment use? We are currently using terminals. But we are thinking of switching to a contactless form of payment. Is this a reasonable decision? Replies
Replied 19 May 2023 18:23:05
19 May 2023 18:23:05 Dan Pavlenko replied:
I have been using the contactless payment system in the establishment for more than 2 years. I am very pleased with her. Clients are grateful for the high speed of work. Terminals need to be serviced. And I try to keep costs as low as possible. Installing contactless payment does not require the purchase of special equipment. I contacted this company to install the Softpos solution https://m4bank.com/softpos