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Asked 30 Sep 2022 11:08:36
has this question
30 Sep 2022 11:08:36 Jackson Shtorm posted:
Do smokers get dental implants? In the past, smokers were discouraged from having dental implants because they cost a lot of money and the results quickly went back to zero due to constant smoking. Today's technology and materials reduce the risk for smokers and the long-term durability of implants and crowns on them is reduced only by poor oral hygiene https://elegantlab.com/miami/ . If you are worried about implants, talk to your dental hygienist about this issue. He or she will tailor the procedures to your individual needs. I recommend this great clinic


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Replied 20 Jan 2023 01:00:01
20 Jan 2023 01:00:01 Anny Key replied:
I need to urgently find a quality cbd balm. Where can I buy such a product?
Replied 20 Jan 2023 02:30:50
20 Jan 2023 02:30:50 Dakota Crown replied:
I had health problems. Due to the constant work at the computer, my back and neck were very sore. But I found a great solution in the form of CBD salve and used this product daily. I can say that the effect appears almost immediately, however, in order to fully recover, you need to use a course of the cbd product. So follow the link and buy a quality cbd ointment.

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