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I want to know more about data tokenization

Asked 13 Aug 2022 17:01:11
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13 Aug 2022 17:01:11 jiop tret posted:
I'm interested in learning more about tokenization and tokenization as a service. Do you have any resources to share?


Replied 13 Aug 2022 18:29:40
13 Aug 2022 18:29:40 Антон Дровов replied:
Data security should be a top priority for all businesses, but it's especially important in the age of tokenization. Tokenization is the process of converting sensitive data into a non-sensitive form. In other words, tokenization replaces sensitive data with a string of characters that can't be reverse-engineered to reveal the original information. Tokenization is used in various industries—for example, credit card numbers are usually tokenized when they're stored for future use (as opposed to being stored in their original form). That's probably why tokenization as a service https://www.verygoodsecurity.com/use-cases/tokenization-api is so popular.
Replied 13 Aug 2022 19:09:07
13 Aug 2022 19:09:07 Archy Bows, replied:
The tokenization process is a way to protect sensitive data. It works by replacing the sensitive data with an equivalent, non-sensitive representation, or token. Tokens can be used in place of the original data, and when they are, they can be used to access that data. The tokens are generated by a tokenization system, which provides a means of creating and managing tokens in a way that maintains control over them.
Replied 17 Apr 2023 11:24:00
17 Apr 2023 11:24:00 montana roy replied:
The tokenization technique is a manner to defend touchy statistics Applinked codes It works via way of means of changing the touchy statistics with an equivalent, non-touchy representation, or token. Tokens may be utilized in location of the authentic statistics, and after they are, they may be used to get entry to that statistics BTRoblox Extension.

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