Fish Eye Menu Support Product Page
Can not uninstall fish eye menu to install the new update
Reported 01 Nov 2012 20:13:51
has this problem
01 Nov 2012 20:13:51 manuel pinto posted:
Got extension manager; windows 8 64bit; dreamweaver CS6. Can not uninstall fish eye menu to install the new update. Maybe because recently extension manager update?? Replies
Replied 02 Nov 2012 07:21:27
02 Nov 2012 07:21:27 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Manuel.
Can you describe a little bit more detailed?
How exactly runs the uninstall and where it fails ?
Can you describe a little bit more detailed?
How exactly runs the uninstall and where it fails ?
Replied 02 Nov 2012 09:41:35
02 Nov 2012 09:41:35 manuel pinto replied:
First, it shows the UAC adobe binary file authorization, which with the others it don't show ... i click "continue" and the it starts removing and stop presenting a warning and saying that the file .../../about.png was busy and to close the aplication that is using the directory and to try again. This only hapen with this extension. If you need i can sent some screenshots
Replied 02 Nov 2012 10:19:28
02 Nov 2012 10:19:28 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Manuel,
Can you please installing the new version without uninstalling the old one to see if there are any error messages?
Can you please installing the new version without uninstalling the old one to see if there are any error messages?
Replied 02 Nov 2012 10:36:19
02 Nov 2012 10:36:19 manuel pinto replied:
I try to install over the old one but the message is the same: file ".../../about.png was busy and to close the aplication that is using the directory and to try again"
Replied 02 Nov 2012 20:48:58
02 Nov 2012 20:48:58 manuel pinto replied:
Just delete the extension from the directory and install the new one updated and it works!