Pure ASP Upload 3 Support Product Page

ContentType not recording accurately when using Flash Upload Control

Reported 28 May 2010 01:12:11
has this problem
28 May 2010 01:12:11 Keith Gibbons posted:

I'm using the Flash Upload Control (in Pure Asp Upload 3) to allow my users to upload mutliple files at once.

I have several hidden fields to also record the File Size and File Types into a database.

The FileSize works fine, and records correctly in the database. But the FileType always records as "octet-stream" regardless of the actual filetype.

Now, when I use the regular one-file-at-time control (rather than the Flash Update Control), it records the filetype correct (ie: PDF, pjpeg, etc...)

How can I resolve this issue?


Replied 28 May 2010 10:46:26
28 May 2010 10:46:26 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Keith,

We'll check that issue and keep you posted here.

Replied 28 May 2010 19:04:26
28 May 2010 19:04:26 Keith Gibbons replied:
I'd appreciate that.

After a user uploads files, my application displays a list of the uploaded files with a different icon for each file based on the file type (ie: a PDF icon, or a WORD icon, etc).

As a work-around, I'm just checking the last four characters of the filename, and setting my icons based on that. But it's a bit clumsy. I'd rather use the ContentType stored in the database.
Replied 19 May 2011 00:42:42
19 May 2011 00:42:42 Keith Gibbons replied:
Have you looked into this issue? Growing a bit impatient with the level of support provided (er...NOT provided) for your plugins.

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