Advanced HTML Editor 2 Support Product Page

Dropdowns for Font, Size, Headings Appearing Off-Page

Reported 18 Aug 2010 20:40:46
has this problem
18 Aug 2010 20:40:46 billy flynt posted:
I am using the latest version of Advanced HTML Editor which allows you to enable dropdown boxes for the user to select fonts, and so on.

When you click one of these dropdown list/menus, it shows up but in a random location.

Here is an example screenshot.

The form uses FORM and FIELDSET, and each field is contained within a DIV tag.

We need assistance to resolve this error. If we need to start a paid service ticket, please advise.

Thanks in advance.


Replied 19 Aug 2010 10:20:38
19 Aug 2010 10:20:38 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Billy,

This problem is most likely caused by a css file with general selectors used. Create an empty page with only the Editor on it, no others included css files or javascripts and see if the issue is recreated.

Replied 13 Oct 2010 19:38:37
13 Oct 2010 19:38:37 billy flynt replied:
You are correct, a blank page without non-DMX CSS works fine.

Can you describe what you meant by CSS "general selectors" that might interfere with DMX code?

Thank you.
Replied 14 Oct 2010 10:55:56
14 Oct 2010 10:55:56 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Billy,

General CSS selectors are all selectors that do not use class or id of an element but its tag name - i.e. a(links),p(paragraf), h1, h2...h6, table, tr, td, ul, li, ol and so on.

Replied 29 Oct 2010 20:49:41
29 Oct 2010 20:49:41 billy flynt replied:
We solved our internal CSS problem and AdvHTMLEditor is working fine.

Thanks for your assistance.
Replied 01 Nov 2010 10:59:26
01 Nov 2010 10:59:26 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Billy,

Glad to hear you have this fixed. Enjoy.


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