Smart Mailer ASP Support Product Page
Smart Mailer not working right in Dreamweaver CC 2014
Reported 01 Aug 2014 15:58:36
have this problem
01 Aug 2014 15:58:36 Steve Skinner posted:
I just went to use Smart Mailer for the first time in Dreamweaver CC 2014 and it doesn't really work correctly. Specifically, you can't click the lightning bolts next to the fields to use form values to populate fields. I closed CC 2014 and tried the same exact thing in Dreamweaver CS6, and it worked perfectly.
Replied 02 Aug 2014 14:15:48
02 Aug 2014 14:15:48 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Could you please explain a little more detailed what exactly happens when click the dynamic data buttons? Are there any error messages? Is there any dynamic source on the page? Ate the DEPRECATED server behaviors installed in your CC 2104?!
Could you please explain a little more detailed what exactly happens when click the dynamic data buttons? Are there any error messages? Is there any dynamic source on the page? Ate the DEPRECATED server behaviors installed in your CC 2104?!
Replied 02 Aug 2014 17:16:17
02 Aug 2014 17:16:17 Steve Skinner replied:
Sure, no problem.
I get no error message. Smart Mailer also sees my form.

When I click any of the lightning bolt icons, the window pops up where you would normally be able to select form fields or recordset data, but you can see there's nothing to select or use:

I was able to repeat this problem on two different windows computers.
- DW CC 2014 fails as detailed here
- DW CS6 has no problems with smart mailer
I get no error message. Smart Mailer also sees my form.
When I click any of the lightning bolt icons, the window pops up where you would normally be able to select form fields or recordset data, but you can see there's nothing to select or use:
I was able to repeat this problem on two different windows computers.
- DW CC 2014 fails as detailed here
- DW CS6 has no problems with smart mailer
Replied 04 Aug 2014 09:15:19
04 Aug 2014 09:15:19 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
It seems to me the following is not installed in your DW:
It seems to me the following is not installed in your DW:
Replied 04 Aug 2014 14:05:41
04 Aug 2014 14:05:41 Steve Skinner replied:
No, that's not it. I definitely have the server behaviors extension installed. It was the first thing I did after installing CC 2014, which I've been using since it was available. I use the older server behaviors quite a bit still...
Replied 04 Aug 2014 14:33:43
04 Aug 2014 14:33:43 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Okay so what exactly you don't see there - the form fields on your page or the recordset values?
I cannot recreate this issue on our machines - all recordset values show up fine when you have the deprecated server behaviors installed.
I cannot recreate this issue on our machines - all recordset values show up fine when you have the deprecated server behaviors installed.
Replied 04 Aug 2014 15:01:37
04 Aug 2014 15:01:37 Steve Skinner replied:
Under normal circumstances, when you click a lightning bolt icon for any of the Smart Mailer fields, you get a window that allows you to select from the available form fields, or fields from a recordset if you have one on the page. Instead of that, I only see the screen capture I posted earlier in this thread - the popup window that you would normally use to select form fields or recordset fields is entirely unusable.
Replied 04 Aug 2014 15:12:27
04 Aug 2014 15:12:27 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
What i get on our Win 7 machines with CC2014 is:

Replied 04 Aug 2014 15:15:06
04 Aug 2014 15:15:06 Steve Skinner replied:
Now, you're just showing off and making me jealous. :-) I wish mine worked like that.
Replied 04 Aug 2014 15:17:39
04 Aug 2014 15:17:39 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please try clearing your DW cache, reinstall both - the free server behaviors extension and Smart Mailer.
Replied 04 Aug 2014 16:02:36
04 Aug 2014 16:02:36 Steve Skinner replied:
Did not notice any change in behavior. Same thing still happening.
Is there any possibility of conflict between your extension manager, Adobe's extension manager and Adobe's newer add-on service?
Is there any possibility of conflict between your extension manager, Adobe's extension manager and Adobe's newer add-on service?
Replied 04 Aug 2014 16:05:12
04 Aug 2014 16:05:12 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
No conflicts between DMXzone extension manager, Adobe's extension manager and Adobe's add-on service.
We are going to check what is causing the issue in your DW. Please attach your page to a mail to:
We are going to check what is causing the issue in your DW. Please attach your page to a mail to:
Replied 04 Aug 2014 16:08:07
04 Aug 2014 16:08:07 Steve Skinner replied:
Sending now.
Replied 12 Aug 2014 22:24:25
12 Aug 2014 22:24:25 Steve Skinner replied:
I have a freshly re-installed DW CC 2014 on a new system, with all my extensions reinstalled, including smart mailer, but Smart Mailer is nowhere to be found. According to the DMXzone extension manager, it is installed, but it's not in the DMXzone section of the Server Behaviors panel where it would usually be.
It doesn't seem to matter whether DW CC 2014 is a new install or not. Smart Mailer definitely has issues with this version of Dreamweaver. I do not have CS6 on this new system to fall back on.
It doesn't seem to matter whether DW CC 2014 is a new install or not. Smart Mailer definitely has issues with this version of Dreamweaver. I do not have CS6 on this new system to fall back on.
Replied 13 Aug 2014 08:25:27
13 Aug 2014 08:25:27 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Actually Smart Mailer does not have any known issues with CC/CC2014. MAke sure your testing server is defined properly (as an ASP server type) and the extension will be displayed under Server Behaviors > DMXzone.
Replied 13 Aug 2014 13:41:45
13 Aug 2014 13:41:45 Steve Skinner replied:
The problem - as I stated - is that the extension does not show up in the server behaviors panel.
Replied 27 Dec 2014 12:47:55
27 Dec 2014 12:47:55 Tommy Nielsen replied:
I have the same problem like Steven Skinner. I am using Dream`weaver CC 2014.1
I have Smart Mailer Install, but can't see it on my Server Behavior ?
I have Smart Mailer Install, but can't see it on my Server Behavior ?
Replied 27 Dec 2014 19:40:58
27 Dec 2014 19:40:58 Steve Skinner replied:
I'm glad to see someone else reported the problem with this extension. I sent in my files as Teodor asked, but the only reply I got was him denying there was a problem, even after I followed his instructions exactly.
For the record, I still have problems using SmartMailer in DW CC 2014, but seeing the extension in the server behaviors panel is no longer part of the problem.
I can see and select the SmartMailer extension in the server behaviors panel, but in the dialog that pops up, I'm still unable to assign anything using the lightning bolt icons. When I click any of them, I still get this:

The only way I can really make use of the SmartMailer extension now is to do so in DW CS6.
For the record, I still have problems using SmartMailer in DW CC 2014, but seeing the extension in the server behaviors panel is no longer part of the problem.
I can see and select the SmartMailer extension in the server behaviors panel, but in the dialog that pops up, I'm still unable to assign anything using the lightning bolt icons. When I click any of them, I still get this:
The only way I can really make use of the SmartMailer extension now is to do so in DW CS6.
Replied 14 Jan 2015 23:08:48
14 Jan 2015 23:08:48 Steve Skinner replied:
This thread has gone cold, which is unfortunate. It's an extension I've relied on and used frequently for years. DW CC 2014 has been out for quite some time now, and this thread is 5 months old! One thing that seems to be true about DMXzone support - if it's something you can figure out quickly, it's addressed immediately, but if the problem is a tough one, it may never get fixed.
To reiterate the problem:
It's as if the extension isn't even installed, although I know it is. Today, I checked that my site definition is set to ASP vbScript in the advanced tab of remote server setup (as you've indicated I should) for the testing server. Then, I reinstalled the extension, deleted the DW winfilecache, and restarted DW. Still no luck.
Teodor, I know your favorite thing to say in this forum is that "there are no known issues...", but that certainly does not seem to be the case. This thread is marked "Under Investigation", so has there been any progress to give us any help for this broken extension?
To reiterate the problem:
- On pages where Smart Mailer was used before, you can see the code for it, but there is nothing listed for it in the server behaviors, so you can't click on the behavior to edit the settings using the extension dialog that always used to work. It can only be edited in code view - manually.
- You cannot insert Smart Mailer on a new page at all in DW CC 2014. I always used the server behaviors panel to select it, clicking the plus sign and then select it from the DMXzone section of that menu. Well, it's no longer there, so you can't do that now.
- The Insert Panel also has a DMXzone section that lists extensions. Smart Mailer is not there either, although I don't know if it ever was.
- Lastly, the Insert section in the top menu (File, Edit, View, Insert, Modify, etc.) also has a DMXzone section and Smart Mailer is not listed in there either.
It's as if the extension isn't even installed, although I know it is. Today, I checked that my site definition is set to ASP vbScript in the advanced tab of remote server setup (as you've indicated I should) for the testing server. Then, I reinstalled the extension, deleted the DW winfilecache, and restarted DW. Still no luck.
Teodor, I know your favorite thing to say in this forum is that "there are no known issues...", but that certainly does not seem to be the case. This thread is marked "Under Investigation", so has there been any progress to give us any help for this broken extension?
Replied 15 Jan 2015 09:54:04
15 Jan 2015 09:54:04 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Steve,
The extension IS WORKING in DW CC 2014/2014.1 => This has already been tetsted MANY times on our machines:
From your last post(s), especially the last one show that all of the problems listed are related to DREAMWEAVER functionality - the server behaviors are not developed by us. The fact you cannot even click the + sign in the Server Behaviors panel shows that there is something wrong with your site configuration/server configuration/DW configuration, i the + sign IS NOT being added by our extension there!
Smart mailer is only located in the Server Behaviors, no other panels list it, as it is a server behavior!
As you know the server behaviors are deprecated in CC 2014/2014.1 so you need to install them separately as an extension provided by Adobe. If you have any problems with the Server Behaviors, you should contact adobe, not blame us that you cannot use them.
There is nothing more that i can say, except to confirm there is an issue with your Dreamweaver/configuration/deprecated server behaviors extensions installation.
Changing the topic status to - not a problem, as there is NO PROBLEM with the extension, as already explained.
The extension IS WORKING in DW CC 2014/2014.1 => This has already been tetsted MANY times on our machines:
From your last post(s), especially the last one show that all of the problems listed are related to DREAMWEAVER functionality - the server behaviors are not developed by us. The fact you cannot even click the + sign in the Server Behaviors panel shows that there is something wrong with your site configuration/server configuration/DW configuration, i the + sign IS NOT being added by our extension there!
Smart mailer is only located in the Server Behaviors, no other panels list it, as it is a server behavior!
As you know the server behaviors are deprecated in CC 2014/2014.1 so you need to install them separately as an extension provided by Adobe. If you have any problems with the Server Behaviors, you should contact adobe, not blame us that you cannot use them.
There is nothing more that i can say, except to confirm there is an issue with your Dreamweaver/configuration/deprecated server behaviors extensions installation.
Changing the topic status to - not a problem, as there is NO PROBLEM with the extension, as already explained.
Replied 15 Jan 2015 16:03:33
15 Jan 2015 16:03:33 Steve Skinner replied:
Sorry to have ruffled your feathers so much! I wasn't trying to upset you. I'm just frustrated that I can't get this extension to work. Can't you understand how that would seem from a customer's point of view??
You misunderstood though - I CAN click the plus sign to add server behaviors, and that workflow works 100% of the time, except for Smart Mailer. Smart Mailer just doesn't show up in any of the panels or menus to be used anywhere in Dreamweaver, despite having followed all your steps. Hopefully that explains it better.
Thanks for the quick reply just the same...
You misunderstood though - I CAN click the plus sign to add server behaviors, and that workflow works 100% of the time, except for Smart Mailer. Smart Mailer just doesn't show up in any of the panels or menus to be used anywhere in Dreamweaver, despite having followed all your steps. Hopefully that explains it better.
Thanks for the quick reply just the same...
Replied 15 Jan 2015 16:15:39
15 Jan 2015 16:15:39 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
I see. Then try installing it both with DMXzone EM and Adobe EM - are there any differences?
Replied 15 Jan 2015 16:23:07
15 Jan 2015 16:23:07 Steve Skinner replied:
Brilliant! I never thought to try that, but guess what - IT WORKED. :-D
After installing it into the EM, I started DW and it ran me through the old extension setup for entering my account, and the extension registration number. After that, I closed DW, cleared the winfilecache again and restarted DW. All is well! It shows up in all the places it should and I can work with it again. SO HAPPY.
This is the only DMXzone extension installed in the old EM now. All the rest are in the DMX EM. However, now every time I start DW I get a prompt that I should install the DMXzone updater extension. Is there a way to turn that popup off, since that's been phased out in favor of the new DMX EM?
Aside from wanting to turn off this updater extension prompt, all is well. Does that tell you anything about the extension itself, or why it wasn't working for me when installed through the new DMX EM?
After installing it into the EM, I started DW and it ran me through the old extension setup for entering my account, and the extension registration number. After that, I closed DW, cleared the winfilecache again and restarted DW. All is well! It shows up in all the places it should and I can work with it again. SO HAPPY.
This is the only DMXzone extension installed in the old EM now. All the rest are in the DMX EM. However, now every time I start DW I get a prompt that I should install the DMXzone updater extension. Is there a way to turn that popup off, since that's been phased out in favor of the new DMX EM?
Aside from wanting to turn off this updater extension prompt, all is well. Does that tell you anything about the extension itself, or why it wasn't working for me when installed through the new DMX EM?
Replied 15 Jan 2015 16:26:21
15 Jan 2015 16:26:21 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please try this:
- Close DW
- Open DMXzone EM
- Go to Purchased
- Find Smart Mailer ASP and click the Reinstall button
Check if the extension is still in your DW and if the message goes away.
- Close DW
- Open DMXzone EM
- Go to Purchased
- Find Smart Mailer ASP and click the Reinstall button
Check if the extension is still in your DW and if the message goes away.
Replied 15 Jan 2015 16:30:33
15 Jan 2015 16:30:33 Steve Skinner replied:
Yup! No more prompt and the extension is still working fine in DW.
That was easy. Should you then change this thread to "resolved"?
That was easy. Should you then change this thread to "resolved"?

Replied 15 Jan 2015 16:54:30
15 Jan 2015 16:54:30 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Thanks for the feedback,
I am going to investigate the installation issue that you have with DMXzone EM.
I am going to investigate the installation issue that you have with DMXzone EM.