Smart Mailer ASP Support Product Page
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Duplicate SMTP Email Problem (For Distinct Email List)
Reported 30 Aug 2012 19:39:33
have this problem
30 Aug 2012 19:39:33 billy flynt posted:
We have an ASP form using Smart Mailer to generate SMTP emails for multiple recipients (on form POST).When we disable the send by stubbing this line in Smart Mailer code:
' sm1.sendMail "multiple"
And replace it with this debug code:
smtp_counter = smtp_counter + 1
response.write( CStr( smtp_counter ) & " " & (sm1.toRecord.Fields.Item(sm1.toRecordEmail).Value) & "<br />"

We can verify that we indeed (always) have a DISTINCT list of emails. (By design, no duplicates are allowed at database level).
However, if we let Smart Mailer generate the SMTP messages, duplicate/multiple messages are created per instance.
Smart Mailer is sending mail to our internal SMTP mail server (Exchange 2003).
This is a new problem for us, we have been using Smart Mailer without issues for years.
We have completed a case with Microsoft to verify that Exchange 2003 is not generating duplicate message IDs'
The problem is that one email is resulting in multiple SMTP messages, each carrying a unique message ID.
Can someone work with us to debug to solve this issue?
We are available 24/7 to solve with your assistance.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Replied 17 Dec 2012 11:54:35
17 Dec 2012 11:54:35 catch me replied:
can anyone tell me how to find the Unqiue identifier for each email generated at SMTP level.. I am creating a project to capture onlt the newly received email from my system.
Replied 17 Dec 2012 12:16:22
17 Dec 2012 12:16:22 catch me replied:
can anyone tell me how to find the Unqiue identifier for each email generated at SMTP level.. I am creating a project to capture onlt the newly received email from my system.