Smart Mailer ASP Support Product Page
Not a problem
Multiple recipients problem
Reported 12 Apr 2012 11:33:30
have this problem
12 Apr 2012 11:33:30 MX Addict posted:
Since a while some clients reports problems with sending email.I have a form with a textfield named email assigned to one receiver [to].It was possible to use more email recipients separated by a delimeter. Now this doesn't work anymore.
One email works fine but multiple emails doesn't work.I don't want to use multiple receivers
Smartmailer 1.0.11
Windows Server 2008 / IIS 7.5
Replied 12 Apr 2012 11:41:05
12 Apr 2012 11:41:05 MX Addict replied:
This is the error I get:
SendMail Error: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address , code = -2147220977
SendMail Error: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address , code = -2147220977
Replied 17 Apr 2012 07:32:25
17 Apr 2012 07:32:25 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
there are two options - One Receiver or Multiple receivers.
If you select One receiver you cannot use several emails in one field. You can just use CC or BCC and add the additional emails there. This way you can send the email to 3 emails using the Single receiver option.
there are two options - One Receiver or Multiple receivers.
If you select One receiver you cannot use several emails in one field. You can just use CC or BCC and add the additional emails there. This way you can send the email to 3 emails using the Single receiver option.
Replied 17 Apr 2012 08:09:41
17 Apr 2012 08:09:41 MX Addict replied:
Hi Teodor,
Thanks for the answer. But I am still not satisfied. In early versions multiple email did worked in the one receiver options separated by a comma delimiter.
I have a form page to send a email to one or more emails with a jquery autocomplete script. How can I use this script without using multiple receivers.
It has to act like emailprograms hotmail, gmail, etc where it is possible to use more than one email in TO, CC, BCC
In the situation you describe I can use maximum 3 emails using - one receiver option or multiple emails by multiple receivers. But is is very difficult to get control over multiple receivers.
I found a email script that works with a delimiter for one receiver.
The Smartmailer script needs a update to work on Windows Server 2008/IIS 7.5
Thanks for the answer. But I am still not satisfied. In early versions multiple email did worked in the one receiver options separated by a comma delimiter.
I have a form page to send a email to one or more emails with a jquery autocomplete script. How can I use this script without using multiple receivers.
It has to act like emailprograms hotmail, gmail, etc where it is possible to use more than one email in TO, CC, BCC
In the situation you describe I can use maximum 3 emails using - one receiver option or multiple emails by multiple receivers. But is is very difficult to get control over multiple receivers.
I found a email script that works with a delimiter for one receiver.
<% sch = "" Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 ' cdoSendUsingPort .Item(sch & "smtpserver") = "localhost" .update End With Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") With cdoMessage Set .Configuration = cdoConfig .From = "" .To = "," .Subject = "Does this works" .TextBody = "Yes it does" .Send End With Set cdoMessage = Nothing Set cdoConfig = Nothing %>
The Smartmailer script needs a update to work on Windows Server 2008/IIS 7.5
Replied 17 Apr 2012 08:40:58
17 Apr 2012 08:40:58 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
I am not sure if comma separated list of emails ever worked with Smart mailer.
AS i told you there are two options - Single or Multiple receicres. Single receiver sends the email to one email and multiple receivers sends the email to multiple emails. This is how the extension is supposed to be used.
You can apply the Smart Mailer extension more than once to a page, so you can send several different emails when the submit button is hit.
Can you please explain what are the problems with Win 2008/IIS 7.5?
I am not sure if comma separated list of emails ever worked with Smart mailer.
AS i told you there are two options - Single or Multiple receicres. Single receiver sends the email to one email and multiple receivers sends the email to multiple emails. This is how the extension is supposed to be used.
You can apply the Smart Mailer extension more than once to a page, so you can send several different emails when the submit button is hit.
Can you please explain what are the problems with Win 2008/IIS 7.5?
Replied 17 Apr 2012 09:31:33
17 Apr 2012 09:31:33 MX Addict replied:
Hi Teodor,
Comma separated list really worked with SmartMailer. [One of your college has told me this ones.] Since a couple of weeks the website is upgrade from windows 2003 server to windows 2008. Maybe this can be the problem.
This is the error I get with multiple emailadresses in one recipient CC:
SendMail Error: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address , code = -2147220977
Add multiple SmartMailer extension to the page does not make sense because I dont't know how many email I will include in my new posting.
And my form use a textfield where I can include emailadresses from people who I like to send emails.
Hi Teodor, Sorry did same check SM with PHP but that doesn't work
Comma separated list really worked with SmartMailer. [One of your college has told me this ones.] Since a couple of weeks the website is upgrade from windows 2003 server to windows 2008. Maybe this can be the problem.
This is the error I get with multiple emailadresses in one recipient CC:
SendMail Error: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address , code = -2147220977
Add multiple SmartMailer extension to the page does not make sense because I dont't know how many email I will include in my new posting.
And my form use a textfield where I can include emailadresses from people who I like to send emails.
Hi Teodor, Sorry did same check SM with PHP but that doesn't work
Replied 21 Apr 2012 09:40:14
21 Apr 2012 09:40:14 MX Addict replied:
Hi DMXzone,
But how can I use this extension to send email to 4 people without using a recordset. What Teodor scribes this isn't possible. Very strange.
Because in a standard .asp script you can send multiple emails by using a semicolon.
And in the incSmartMailer.asp line 391 you write:
objMail.To = getMultipleAddresses(m_ToArr)
What means multiple adresses.
But how can I use this extension to send email to 4 people without using a recordset. What Teodor scribes this isn't possible. Very strange.
Because in a standard .asp script you can send multiple emails by using a semicolon.
And in the incSmartMailer.asp line 391 you write:
objMail.To = getMultipleAddresses(m_ToArr)
What means multiple adresses.
Replied 14 Jun 2012 10:57:42
14 Jun 2012 10:57:42 MX Addict replied:
Hello DMXzone,
A month further and still no answer. Why is this topic not been answered. As I wrote before. In the early days this the recipient to, cc and bcc worked with comma delimeter or semicolon.
A month further and still no answer. Why is this topic not been answered. As I wrote before. In the early days this the recipient to, cc and bcc worked with comma delimeter or semicolon.
Replied 29 Jun 2012 20:39:58
29 Jun 2012 20:39:58 MX Addict replied:
Is this question updated in version 1.0.12. I guess not because a lot of questions are not answered yet. Why keep ignore customers......

Replied 30 Jun 2012 07:00:50
30 Jun 2012 07:00:50 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello MX,
As i said earlier - the extension works as described:
1. Single recipient - sends a mail to a Sinlgle email + CC/BCC
2. Multiple recipients - sends a mail to multiple emails from a recordset.
That is how it is supposed to work and how it is working. Noone is ignored.
As i said earlier - the extension works as described:
1. Single recipient - sends a mail to a Sinlgle email + CC/BCC
2. Multiple recipients - sends a mail to multiple emails from a recordset.
That is how it is supposed to work and how it is working. Noone is ignored.