Smart Mailer ASP Support Product Page
Under investigation
Smart Mailer will not send
Reported 27 Jan 2012 05:10:27
have this problem
27 Jan 2012 05:10:27 william wakefield posted:
I have tried various options but cannot get it to send. Here is my code:<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%>
<!--#include virtual="Connections/glitterbay.asp" -->
<!--#include virtual="/ScriptLibrary/incSmartMailer.asp" -->
Dim AboutUsRS
Dim AboutUsRS_cmd
Dim AboutUsRS_numRows
Set AboutUsRS_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command"

AboutUsRS_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_glitterbay_STRING
AboutUsRS_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Content WHERE ContentID=2"
AboutUsRS_cmd.Prepared = true
Set AboutUsRS = AboutUsRS_cmd.Execute
AboutUsRS_numRows = 0
' Smart Mailer 1.0.11
' Send on submit of form form1
Dim sm1
Set sm1 = new SmartMailer
sm1.checkVersion "1.11"
sm1.contentCharset = "us-ascii"
sm1.smtpSetup "", "", "", ""
sm1.pickup = ""
sm1.component = "cdo"
sm1.tmpFolder = ""
sm1.embedImages = false
sm1.progressBar = ""
sm1.ignore_errors = true
sm1.useQueue = false
if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD"

If eval("vartype(MM_abortEdit)"

Server.ScriptTimeout = 300
Session.CodePage = sm1.getCodepage()
sm1.setFrom Request.Form("name"

sm1.setTo "Sherry", " "
sm1.setCc "David", " "
sm1.setBcc "William", " "
sm1.Subject = "Glitterbay Enquiry"
' using static for body
sm1.setBody_Static_html "Name:" & (Request.Form("name"

' Attachments none
sm1.sendMail "one"
Response.Redirect "Contact.asp?contact=true"
end if
end if
if eval("vartype(SM_mailAction)"

SM_mailAction = getMailAction()
Dim Repeat_Products__numRowsHL
Dim Repeat_Products__indexHL
Repeat_Products__numRowsHL = 12
Repeat_Products__indexHL = 0
Products_numRows = Products_numRows + Repeat_Products__numRowsHL
Replied 27 Jan 2012 05:11:53
27 Jan 2012 05:11:53 william wakefield replied:
Bye the way, the record set is nothing to do with sending the form
Replied 27 Jan 2012 07:59:58
27 Jan 2012 07:59:58 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please uncheck the ignore errors option and check if there are any error messages when sending.