Smart Mailer ASP Support Product Page
Version 1.09 error with two instances
Reported 17 Mar 2010 22:04:14
has this problem
17 Mar 2010 22:04:14 Tina Meadors posted:
I wanted to alert you to an issue I encountered. I have a form that mails information to a client and a confirmation (with different content) to the submitter. I created it using Smart Mailer version 1.08, inserting two instances of the Smart Mailer server behavior and it worked fine. After updating to version 1.09, I got an error on the page when I inserted the second instance of the behavior:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'
Name redefined
/template/GFE_Form.asp, line 251
if eval("vartype(SM_mailAction)"

I guessed that this was because the variable SM_mailAction had the same name in both instances of the behavior, so I manually changed it to SM_mailAction2 and everything works fine now.
One other minor issue with multiple instances of the behavior: My second instance redirects the page after sending the email. When I inserted the second behavior, it was inserted BEFORE the first instance, so I had to move it to AFTER, otherwise the redirect prevents the first instance from executing. I don't know if the second instance of the behavior inserted before the first because I had my cursor there, or if that's just the way it works, but it would be convenient, if possible, to have new instances insert after existing ones.
Replied 18 Mar 2010 11:07:50
18 Mar 2010 11:07:50 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Tina,
Thank you for your notice. This issue will be investigated and addressed in next update for Smart Mailer. Please, excuse us for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your notice. This issue will be investigated and addressed in next update for Smart Mailer. Please, excuse us for any inconvenience.
Replied 06 May 2010 22:06:51
06 May 2010 22:06:51 Michael Bosquez replied:
I get an error as well. I updated to 1.0.9 and my old pages using earlier versions now get the following error:
Please upload the latest version of incSmartImage.php
I'm not even using PHP. I am using ASP and Javascript. I open the page and updated it to version 1.0.9 and I get a different error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a1391'
'MM_abortEdit' is undefined
/site_maintenance/admin/email/broadcast_email.asp, line 49
Anyone have any idea how to make version 1.0.9 work in ASP? It looks like it is not backwards compatible.
Please upload the latest version of incSmartImage.php
I'm not even using PHP. I am using ASP and Javascript. I open the page and updated it to version 1.0.9 and I get a different error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a1391'
'MM_abortEdit' is undefined
/site_maintenance/admin/email/broadcast_email.asp, line 49
Anyone have any idea how to make version 1.0.9 work in ASP? It looks like it is not backwards compatible.
Replied 10 May 2010 10:04:10
10 May 2010 10:04:10 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Michael,
Could you, please, provide the code of the page in question?
Could you, please, provide the code of the page in question?