Smart Mailer ASP Support Product Page
msxml3.dll error '80072ee6' - URGENT - please help me
Reported 22 Apr 2009 17:50:54
has this problem
22 Apr 2009 17:50:54 Chris Brown posted:
Hi,I have a problem with SMART MAILER ASP.
The system I was building working fine as long as I hard code the URL of my template into the template field in Smart Mailer. However, if I create a recordset on the page and tell the template to use dynamic data from the recordset, I get the following error.
msxml3.dll error '80072ee6'
The URL does not use a recognized protocol
C:\INETPUB\VHOSTS\EMAIL-LETTER.CO.UK\HTTPDOCS\MNGT\../ScriptLibrary/incSmartMailer.asp, line 1223
Now all that is changing between my 2 examples is the following.
It works when I put the URL direct into the template field. The mail sends just fine.
But put that above URL into a DB field and tell Smart Mailer to use a recordset value of ##(rsContent.Fields.Item("content"

This doesn't make sense to me as it should be just passing the value from the DB on - but something is breaking.
Please help as I have a deadline on this job and I will have to hard code it otherwise which is very messy!
Replied 22 Apr 2009 18:08:41
22 Apr 2009 18:08:41 Chris Brown replied:
hmm, I seem to have this working now despite doing nothing different. I am starting to wonder if there is some sort of ASP caching going on which means when I make a simple change on the code, it is not coming through when I test it.
I just made a change I made before which did not work and now it has, so it appears as if it is caching in some way or something odd like that. I will update this thread if I have any more problems.
I just made a change I made before which did not work and now it has, so it appears as if it is caching in some way or something odd like that. I will update this thread if I have any more problems.
Replied 22 Apr 2009 18:31:52
22 Apr 2009 18:31:52 Chris Brown replied:
ok, I have worked out what my problem is now, so I hope that someone can help me.
Back to the original problem (please see 1st post), I cannot simply tell Smart Mailer to get the value of my URL for the template field from my recordset - if I do, it breaks the whole thing.
If I hard code an address or pass the variables via a form etc, then I can get it working, but this is a real fudge way round getting it to work and I would like to be able to to simply use a recordset.
Not so urgent now as I have a work around, but I would like to make this work the most efficient way possible, so if anyone can help I would be very grateful.
Back to the original problem (please see 1st post), I cannot simply tell Smart Mailer to get the value of my URL for the template field from my recordset - if I do, it breaks the whole thing.
If I hard code an address or pass the variables via a form etc, then I can get it working, but this is a real fudge way round getting it to work and I would like to be able to to simply use a recordset.
Not so urgent now as I have a work around, but I would like to make this work the most efficient way possible, so if anyone can help I would be very grateful.
Replied 22 Apr 2009 18:59:07
22 Apr 2009 18:59:07 George Petrov replied:
Please also check the following FAQs
As for the unrecognized protocol - make sure the url to the template is right
As for the unrecognized protocol - make sure the url to the template is right
Replied 23 Apr 2009 15:40:36
23 Apr 2009 15:40:36 Chris Brown replied:
Hi George,
Neither of these links provide me with any help I am afraid as I am not getting a timeout - purley a problem with SM passing the URL correctly.
The URL is identical in both instances, the only difference is that it is coming from a DB field in the 1 example which doesn't work. I therefore summise that SM must be doing something to the URL and breaking it.
If you need source files, please let me know and I will supply them
Neither of these links provide me with any help I am afraid as I am not getting a timeout - purley a problem with SM passing the URL correctly.
The URL is identical in both instances, the only difference is that it is coming from a DB field in the 1 example which doesn't work. I therefore summise that SM must be doing something to the URL and breaking it.
If you need source files, please let me know and I will supply them
Replied 24 Apr 2009 12:58:27
24 Apr 2009 12:58:27 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hi Chris,
Please, provide info on your Database - is it MS SQL, MySQL etc.
Also please provide a working link to test template.
Please, provide info on your Database - is it MS SQL, MySQL etc.
Also please provide a working link to test template.
Replied 24 Apr 2009 14:41:16
24 Apr 2009 14:41:16 Chris Brown replied:
My DB is MySql 4.x running on Windows 2003 with IIS 6.
My own PC I am developing on is Win XP SP3 with DW CS4.
I have some VERY strange behaviour happening where SM seems to be ignoring any values for recordsets which are set on the page.
In addition to the original problem, I now also have SM ignoring which mailing list to send the emails to! As you can see on the page below, the subscriber list is outputting the only email address in it (this is correct, I only have 1 test address is) which is matching the queryString correctly of subscriber_group=2 - however, the default for the recordset is 1 and that is what SM is using rather than the result of the recordset on the page.
If you would like, I can temporailiy add your own email address into the list I am using so you can see when email comes through.
This is a real problem now as I have managed workarounds for the other problems (hence me using form values to pass to SM) but this is not possible with the list of addresses to send the email to as it has to use the recordset - this just isn't working though. Your help would be gratefully received as I have to have this ready for a client today!
My DB is MySql 4.x running on Windows 2003 with IIS 6.
My own PC I am developing on is Win XP SP3 with DW CS4.
I have some VERY strange behaviour happening where SM seems to be ignoring any values for recordsets which are set on the page.
In addition to the original problem, I now also have SM ignoring which mailing list to send the emails to! As you can see on the page below, the subscriber list is outputting the only email address in it (this is correct, I only have 1 test address is) which is matching the queryString correctly of subscriber_group=2 - however, the default for the recordset is 1 and that is what SM is using rather than the result of the recordset on the page.
If you would like, I can temporailiy add your own email address into the list I am using so you can see when email comes through.
This is a real problem now as I have managed workarounds for the other problems (hence me using form values to pass to SM) but this is not possible with the list of addresses to send the email to as it has to use the recordset - this just isn't working though. Your help would be gratefully received as I have to have this ready for a client today!
Replied 27 Apr 2009 03:23:29
27 Apr 2009 03:23:29 Chris Brown replied:
hi, could I please get some urgent support on this issue. I have gone as far as I can with it and I am already late on a deadline now due to this "bug" :-(
Replied 27 Apr 2009 12:47:23
27 Apr 2009 12:47:23 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hi Chris,
Another bug here...
very nasty must say, but it have its panacea.
Go to folder ScriptLibrary and find the file incSmartMailer.asp. There go to line 1401 and look for a following code:
Replace "UpladQueryString" with "theQueryString"
and the recordset will be filtered correctly by query string.
I must warn you that after that change if you reapply the Smart Mailer behavior the change will be overwritten.
Another bug here...
very nasty must say, but it have its panacea.
Go to folder ScriptLibrary and find the file incSmartMailer.asp. There go to line 1401 and look for a following code:
if theQueryString <> "" then MailAction = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("URL")) & "?" & UploadQueryString else
Replace "UpladQueryString" with "theQueryString"
and the recordset will be filtered correctly by query string.
I must warn you that after that change if you reapply the Smart Mailer behavior the change will be overwritten.
Replied 27 Apr 2009 16:34:12
27 Apr 2009 16:34:12 Chris Brown replied:
Thanks SO MUCH for responding to this! It was driving me crazy and I was sure it was nothing I had done wrong :-) I think that will probably solve many other problems I have as well where I am having to pass values in a form - at least I think it will, so I will give that a try and see if it works!
Please could you reply on this thread when the extension is updated to remove this bug.
Thanks SO MUCH for responding to this! It was driving me crazy and I was sure it was nothing I had done wrong :-) I think that will probably solve many other problems I have as well where I am having to pass values in a form - at least I think it will, so I will give that a try and see if it works!
Please could you reply on this thread when the extension is updated to remove this bug.
Replied 28 Apr 2009 09:46:04
28 Apr 2009 09:46:04 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hi Chris,
Sure I will, but you will receive a notifying email as a owner of the Smart Mailer as well.
Sure I will, but you will receive a notifying email as a owner of the Smart Mailer as well.
Replied 11 Feb 2010 15:33:30
11 Feb 2010 15:33:30 Chris Brown replied:
This bug has NOT been updated. The last build of Smart Mailer ASP was October 22, 2008.
Now, this is a MAJOR bug with some software I have paid for. I also get about 5 emails a week from DMXZONE informing me of new products DMXZONE have lauched - but it would be nice if DMXZONE could actually fix major bugs in their existing versions before lining their wallets with money from new releases ;-)
Chris Brown.
This bug has NOT been updated. The last build of Smart Mailer ASP was October 22, 2008.
Now, this is a MAJOR bug with some software I have paid for. I also get about 5 emails a week from DMXZONE informing me of new products DMXZONE have lauched - but it would be nice if DMXZONE could actually fix major bugs in their existing versions before lining their wallets with money from new releases ;-)
Chris Brown.
Edited by - Chris Brown on 11 Feb 2010 15:41:10