Smart Image Processor ASP Support Product Page

ASP.NET component detect, no resize, no thumbnail

Asked 28 Nov 2002 21:09:10
has this question
28 Nov 2002 21:09:10 Erik Paquet posted:

I know that is install on my server. I run the test file and it confirm me that everything is ok.

When I use the ASP.NET component, the image is upload, but without any resize and thumbnail. I tried the component that come with SIP and everything works ok.

Any idea. I check the security and IUSRXXXX is there with read write, execute and modify.



Replied 23 Jan 2003 09:47:53
23 Jan 2003 09:47:53 Martha Graham replied:
Check your read and write settings for

Martha Graham
Replied 26 Jan 2003 04:48:06
26 Jan 2003 04:48:06 robert Kemp replied:
I have not been able to get this thing to create any thumbnails either!!!

Replied 04 Feb 2003 23:17:56
04 Feb 2003 23:17:56 George Petrov replied:
Hi All,

I see some people solved their ASP.NEt resize problems - and other not.

I have prepared some files that you can use to get a detailed error checking which will help me track down the issues.

Please mail me personally if you still have problems - so I can send you the test files. Mail to

Thank you for your support,


George Petrov - Founder of the Dynamic Zones,,,,,
Replied 02 Mar 2003 18:41:53
02 Mar 2003 18:41:53 Mark Scarbrough replied:
I spent a significant amount of time troubleshooting this and I discovered a workaround that should provide a simple workaround for us and help George create a permanent fix.

If I select AUTO-DETECT in SIP, the file uploads but NO SIP Processing takes place. If I explicitly set ASP.NET as the component in SIP, IT WORKS and the files are uploaded and resized. It appears that auto-detect doesn't detect ASP.NET correctly. So, rule #1, if you are using ASP.NET as your component, DO NOT use auto-detect.

ALSO, if you change the upload directory in SIP you MUST also change the upload directory in Pure ASP upload to match. George, It would be nice if the two behavoirs worked together where a change in path updates both SIP and Pure Upload. In the meantime: Rule #2 - Make sure the upload paths in BOTH SIP and Pure ASP Upload are the same.

Neither of these workarounds require any hand-coding. You can make the changes from the existing behavior screens. Hope this helps.


Edited by - zar on 02 Mar 2003 18:42:30
Replied 22 Mar 2003 21:45:37
22 Mar 2003 21:45:37 George Petrov replied:
HI Mark,

thanks for the troubleshooting!

I've found indeed some problems with the autodetect - those will be solved in the next minor update.

We will be synchronizing the upload folders also soon - but it might be in the next major version as we have to change all extensions for this.


George Petrov - Founder of the Dynamic Zones,,,,,
Replied 26 Mar 2003 21:01:01
26 Mar 2003 21:01:01 Stephan Van der Westhuizen replied:
Same problem as the chorus above! Help needed.
Replied 29 Apr 2003 12:30:37
29 Apr 2003 12:30:37 nathan green replied:
I have downloaded all the latest versions of the software yesterday.

I simply cannot get the SIP to do anything with ASP.NET. I'm not getting any errors but i'm not getting resizing or thumbnails either.

ISP is set up correctly.

I'm more than a bit disapointed. Is this a money back situation???

Please can i have some help - just a response would be nice george!!!


Replied 17 May 2003 07:16:44
17 May 2003 07:16:44 Kym Harper replied:
I also would like to know if this is a money back situation.
SIP simply does not work with ASP.NET and there seems to be no response form George or anyone after weeks. - The first extension I have ever purchased with such frustration and dissappointment.
Replied 20 May 2003 12:05:16
20 May 2003 12:05:16 Patrick Woldberg replied:
A lot of the ASP.NET problems where solved in the latest v1.1.0 release. Also a lot of people who had problems is being contacted by mail. If you still have problems them mail me at

Also there is an new SIP-Detect, can be downloaded at

Patrick Woldberg
Web Developer at Dynamic Zones
Manager at
Replied 27 May 2003 18:13:57
27 May 2003 18:13:57 Adam Sharpe replied:
I was having the same problem too with

After I installed the supplied processor, it worked right away.

Replied 28 Aug 2003 22:23:42
28 Aug 2003 22:23:42 Mark Scarbrough replied:
Hi folks,
I've gotten SIP to run successfully (both image resize & thumbnails) using Here are some "rules of thumb" that may help you:
- Make sure "script stopper" is DISABLED in your virus software.
- Specifically choose your component (don't rely on Auto Detect)
- In the ASP Upload behavior, leave "After Uploading/Go To" BLANK (let SIP handle this)
- Make sure your permissions are set correctly. This can be more complicated than you think.
--IUSR must have CHANGE rights to your destination directory
--If using ASP.NET, I found that the group EVERYONE must have READ rights to the ScriptLibrary dir AND Modify rights to your destination dir. It may be possible to be more secure/restrictive with this.

On my home system with IIS, it's pretty open, and worked fine, but that wasn't the case with my ISP. They were able to adjust the rights and it's working great now.

Hope this helps someone...

Replied 16 Feb 2005 04:51:45
16 Feb 2005 04:51:45 Elizabeth Martinez replied:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD BLESS YOU. It was all in thepermissions.

Replied 27 Apr 2010 08:05:38
27 Apr 2010 08:05:38 david finch replied:
have a problem i upload the image after it uploads i go look for the resized image which is follwed by _small.jpg
but the small image is not there please help

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