Pure ASP Upload Add On Pack Support Product Page
Path to folder is in session, what is the syntax ?
Asked 18 Dec 2012 19:17:20
has this question
18 Dec 2012 19:17:20 Alejandro Mucino posted:
I store the path to the folder (absoluate) in a session. It works great when uploading and renaming a file, but when deleting a file I am not sure what the correct syntax is, I keep getting an error, this is my code:<%
' *** Delete File Before Delete Record 1.8.2
If (CStr(Request("MM_delete"

Dim DF_filesStr, DF_path, DF_suffix
DF_filesStr = "storage_name"
DF_path = "Session(\"Attachmentsfull\"

DF_suffix = ""
DeleteFileBeforeRecord DF_filesStr,DF_path,MM_eimmigration_STRING,"dbo.Attachments","attachment_id",Request.Form("MM_recordId"

end if
The DF_parth should be to the one store in : Session("Attachmentsfull"

What is the syntax ?
This is ASP/VB
Replied 25 Mar 2013 08:19:35
25 Mar 2013 08:19:35 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Alejandro,
try DF_path = Session("Attachmentsfull"
try DF_path = Session("Attachmentsfull"
