App Connect Lightbox Support Product Page
size of images in lightbox
Asked 21 Jan 2021 11:38:37
has this question
21 Jan 2021 11:38:37 Vivian Eersels posted:
it worked with lightbox!But I have one more question: is it possible to specify a size of the photos in the lightbox? You can show them fullscreen, but I would like to show the photos a bit smaller, is this possible?
Replied 21 Jan 2021 13:43:35
21 Jan 2021 13:43:35 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
The lightbox shows the images in their original size/dimensions.
You can fiddle with the CSS and add something like:
in your custom css file to override the default behavior.
You can fiddle with the CSS and add something like:
.dmxLightboxImage img { max-width: 600px !important; }
in your custom css file to override the default behavior.