App Connect Lightbox Support Product Page
error updating dmx app connect lighthouse using update manager
Reported 14 Mar 2018 18:18:45
has this problem
14 Mar 2018 18:18:45 Jim Arthur posted:
tried to load connect lightbox and got error message -- error while extracting extension package Replies
Replied 14 Mar 2018 18:35:12
14 Mar 2018 18:35:12 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Quit the extension manager, restart it and then open the "Queue" tab. Then remove the extension from there and install it again.
Quit the extension manager, restart it and then open the "Queue" tab. Then remove the extension from there and install it again.
Replied 15 Mar 2018 01:38:57
15 Mar 2018 01:38:57 Jim Arthur replied:
Teodor, thanks for the response about using queue tab -- I did as you suggested -- got a screen that at top left said "Remove Completed" but then got the same error -- error occurred when extracting extension package. package described as dmxAppConnectLightbox-1.0.2.zxp
what is next?
what is next?
Replied 15 Mar 2018 07:19:55
15 Mar 2018 07:19:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Jim i was referring to removing the extension directly using the remove button:
Replied 15 Mar 2018 10:31:57
15 Mar 2018 10:31:57 Jim Arthur replied:
no such button -- I followed your directions but the window comes up with just a download button. Last night the LIghtbox extension was the only one that showed, possibly because it was set to "seed all download". out of curiosity to see what this did, I changed it to "No seed" and today when I opened it all of the apps were in the list. The all seem to have a Delete button, but not LIghtbox. I took a screen shot that I will attempt to paste in here. If it works you should be able to see what I mean. If not, I hope this explanation is sufficient.
Ok cannot figure out how to add the image so use your imagination.
no such button -- I followed your directions but the window comes up with just a download button. Last night the LIghtbox extension was the only one that showed, possibly because it was set to "seed all download". out of curiosity to see what this did, I changed it to "No seed" and today when I opened it all of the apps were in the list. The all seem to have a Delete button, but not LIghtbox. I took a screen shot that I will attempt to paste in here. If it works you should be able to see what I mean. If not, I hope this explanation is sufficient.
Ok cannot figure out how to add the image so use your imagination.
Replied 15 Mar 2018 10:44:56
15 Mar 2018 10:44:56 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
If you do not see the delete button, please Log Out of the EM, quit it and restart it.
Replied 16 Mar 2018 02:36:07
16 Mar 2018 02:36:07 Jim Arthur replied:
thank you for being patient -- it took two reboots before the delete button showed up, but it finally did appear and I was able to delete lightbox, closed EM, the reopened EM and was able to update the extension. Problem solved, finally,.