Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Paging Generator 2 Support Product Page
Dynamic Page Generator 2 has started crashing my Dreamweaver
Reported 19 Apr 2018 01:12:01
has this problem
19 Apr 2018 01:12:01 Lee Woolsey posted:
Dynamic Page Generator 2 has started crashing my Dreamweaver. This is a recent thing, it had been working fine. (This happens on both my laptop and desktop)Could my recent installation of the Bootstrap 4 extensions cause this?
Replied 19 Apr 2018 08:10:01
19 Apr 2018 08:10:01 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Lee,
Can you tell me what version of DW are you using, what is your OS and the exact steps to reproduce this?
Can you tell me what version of DW are you using, what is your OS and the exact steps to reproduce this?
Replied 19 Apr 2018 13:28:09
19 Apr 2018 13:28:09 Lee Woolsey replied:
My desktop run Windows 10 Pro (1709 build 16299.371) 16GB Ram, the laptop is a bootcamped MacBook Air - Windows 10 EDU (1709), Dreamweaver CC 2018 on both. Removing as many seldom used extensions are possible, but that hasn't appeared to help. I've also used the "Re-install All" feature of DMX Extension Manager... however the problem persists.
Replied 19 Apr 2018 13:41:38
19 Apr 2018 13:41:38 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Could you please explain the exact steps to reproduce the issue?
Replied 19 Apr 2018 14:33:40
19 Apr 2018 14:33:40 Lee Woolsey replied:
I've been using it the same way I have previously.
I select the location on the page I want the dynamic paging (usually an empty Div inside a Bootstrap 3 Panel)
Click the (+) Icon from the App Connect Panel, then select Boot Strap 3 Dynamic Paging from the Bootstrap 3 options.
The dialog opens and I select the data_view source and generally use the "State Management" option as well.
Click the OK, then it just hangs and does nothing until Dreamweaver times out and crashes (I either have to kill it in task manager, or wait until it asks to close.)
I select the location on the page I want the dynamic paging (usually an empty Div inside a Bootstrap 3 Panel)
Click the (+) Icon from the App Connect Panel, then select Boot Strap 3 Dynamic Paging from the Bootstrap 3 options.
The dialog opens and I select the data_view source and generally use the "State Management" option as well.
Click the OK, then it just hangs and does nothing until Dreamweaver times out and crashes (I either have to kill it in task manager, or wait until it asks to close.)
Replied 19 Apr 2018 15:46:51
19 Apr 2018 15:46:51 Lee Woolsey replied:
On my laptop, I have completely reinstalled Dreamweaver CC 2018, and a slimmed down selection of DMX extensions (Mostly App Connect, excluding the Bootstrap 4 extensions, and a bare minimum of HTML 5 Bindings extensions) and have been able to insert a menu without breaking my Dreamweaver.
Replied 20 Apr 2018 06:43:30
20 Apr 2018 06:43:30 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Lee,
I am not able to recreate this issue on my windows 10 machine. Probably your DW config/installation got corrupted?
I am not able to recreate this issue on my windows 10 machine. Probably your DW config/installation got corrupted?
Replied 20 Apr 2018 15:25:35
20 Apr 2018 15:25:35 Lee Woolsey replied:
I will keep an eye on my clean re-install and see if it breaks again. I found it odd that the same error should occur on separate devices.