DMXzone App Connect Browser Support Product Page
Showing Browser Values
Asked 19 May 2017 22:25:47
has this question
19 May 2017 22:25:47 Brad Lawryk posted:
Can you not display the browser tool values on a web page? When I add them as bindings nothing shows up? Replies
Replied 20 May 2017 08:25:48
20 May 2017 08:25:48 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Brad,
What exactly are trying to show on your page? Please always provide links to your pages, as the dynamic data issues could not be resolved without debugging your page in the browser!
What exactly are trying to show on your page? Please always provide links to your pages, as the dynamic data issues could not be resolved without debugging your page in the browser!
Replied 24 Jun 2017 17:07:34
24 Jun 2017 17:07:34 Brad Lawryk replied:
Basically what I wanted to do was to display browser information such as type and height/width etc. for testing purposes.
Replied 25 Jun 2017 06:41:35
25 Jun 2017 06:41:35 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Yes, that is possible - just add bindings on the page, and you will see these values.
Replied 25 Jun 2017 11:53:17
25 Jun 2017 11:53:17 Brad Lawryk replied:
Ah, figured out what I was doing wrong. I was trying to add the properties inside the <div is="dmx-browser" id="browser1"></div>.
Got it working now.
Got it working now.
Replied 26 Jun 2017 06:20:49
26 Jun 2017 06:20:49 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Brad,
No, actually you don't have to place them inside the <div is="dmx-browser" id="browser1"></div> it should be working anywhere on your page.
No, actually you don't have to place them inside the <div is="dmx-browser" id="browser1"></div> it should be working anywhere on your page.