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sort order seems not correct
Asked 15 Jul 2019 09:36:05
has this question
15 Jul 2019 09:36:05 Edgar Tossijn posted:
My webpage shows a very long list of publications. In the Database Source Query Builder I have defined to sort the data DESC by year (second column; jaar) and (if applicable) number (third column; rapport).Sorting the second column (jaar) seems to be correct. However, in the third column (rapport), sorting is not correct. In the year 2018, numbers in the third column start with 9-hundreds instead of 1-thousands.
How do I correct this?
Replied 18 Jul 2019 08:48:44
18 Jul 2019 08:48:44 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Edgar,
Can you provide some step by step explanation on how to recreate the issue on your page?
Can you provide some step by step explanation on how to recreate the issue on your page?
Replied 22 Jul 2019 09:04:37
22 Jul 2019 09:04:37 Edgar Tossijn replied:
Hi Teodor,
With Database Source Query Builder I selected the columns title, author, year, number and download.
Filters (contains): year and title and author and number.
Sort order (DESC): year, number
With Database Source Query Builder I selected the columns title, author, year, number and download.
Filters (contains): year and title and author and number.
Sort order (DESC): year, number