DMXzone App Connect Support Product Page

Dynamic images with path and also backgrounds

Reported 02 May 2019 16:30:59
has this problem
02 May 2019 16:30:59 Dan Everton posted:

I need to display dynamic image in the following code:

<div class="slide" style="background: url('/images/wedding/13.jpg') center center; background-size: cover; height: 100% !important;"></div>

Where "/images/wedding/13.jpg" it should pull from this source:[0].Img

I also need to display repeated images from the same source in
<div class="slide" data-thumb="images/wedding/thumb/11.jpg"><img src="/images/wedding/11.jpg" alt="Image"></div>

There are several issues i am having:

1) all my images upload fine and are stored - i only store the filename and not the path.

2) Unless i add the path to the data entry I cannot prepend with the directory.

Can you please respond ASAP to this as i have tried many times this week to invoke a chat but you are never available.

I know much of your time is taken up with Wrappler but the support as dmxzone user would be very much appreciated.

I can share page refs etc but would want this to be private.



Replied 03 May 2019 08:54:55
03 May 2019 08:54:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dan,

That is why the dynamic attributes are available ...
Add dynamic attributes -> style. Add your css style property 'background-image'. Then add your dynamic/static paths like:

Which looks like this in the code:
dmx-style:background-image="'url(/images/wedding/'+[0].Img + ')'"

So yu wrap static parts of the values in single quotes and enter dynamic ones directly (See my example above)

Replied 15 Jul 2024 11:43:14
15 Jul 2024 11:43:14 User  replied:
I love how dynamic wallpapers look on my Mac. Am I limited to just the default ones that come with my Mac? I'd like to see something new.
Replied 15 Jul 2024 19:53:17
15 Jul 2024 19:53:17 John Morrow replied:
You can definitely download additional options. There are various sites and resources offering a wide selection of dynamic wallpapers for Mac. I recommend sticking to reputable platforms. Maybe check out this article I think you'll find something useful there. By the way, have you thought about creating your own dynamic wallpapers? I'm interested in that now. You might even make some money from it.

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