Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator Support Product Page
page style
Asked 19 May 2016 00:02:07
has this question
19 May 2016 00:02:07 manuel pinto posted:
I have a template wich i use for generate pages wich is not build with bootstrap. Now i need a form on a page and decide to use this extension. The isue is that when i generate a form it changes some of the initial style (ex: font, etc) of my page. Is there a way for this not happen when use this tool to build forms? Replies
Replied 19 May 2016 07:26:34
19 May 2016 07:26:34 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Manuel,
As explained on the product page, the extension requires Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer, in order to work as it generates only Bootstrap 3 forms.
As explained on the product page, the extension requires Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer, in order to work as it generates only Bootstrap 3 forms.
Replied 19 May 2016 19:25:15
19 May 2016 19:25:15 manuel pinto replied:
I understand that ... what i need to know is that there is a way to "isolate" this in order to not modify the initial style that i have on my pages (font style for example or sise of font and images, etc ...)