DMXzone File System Connector Support Product Page

File size or File Quantity Limitations with HTML5 Slideshow 2 and File System Connector?

Reported 03 May 2016 16:09:44
has this problem
03 May 2016 16:09:44 David Slentz posted:
File size or File Quantity Limitations with HTML5 Slideshow 2 and File System Connector?

I have successfully connected File System Connector to HTML5 Slideshow 2 (by following your video), but I find that I get errors when I place more than 550 files in the online folder.

Is there a limitation on the number of files in a folder or perhaps a limitation with the size of all the photo files in the folder?

Here is my web page:
It currently works with 550 photos, but it is slow to load.

Is it just too many photos?


Replied 03 May 2016 16:29:45
03 May 2016 16:29:45 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello David,
Well, 550 is a huge amount of photos Most probably your browser hits its memory limits and that's why you see errors. I don't know how big (megabytes) are your photos, but indeed the issue is - too many files.
Replied 03 May 2016 16:37:07
03 May 2016 16:37:07 David Slentz replied:
Okay, I guess I can fix that by creating more Slideshow pages with less photos.
Would you be able to give me your suggestion for total file size and/or number of files that would work well?

The Animated Thumbnail gallery seems to work okay with a larger number of files, but perhaps it functions differently than the HTML5 Slideshow...

Is perhaps there another DMXzone Photo Extension that would allow for larger photo collections – one that would work with File System Connector?
Replied 04 May 2016 07:26:44
04 May 2016 07:26:44 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
I cannot really tell any exact number that will behave properly in your browser, but i do see currently your site has:

500 requests
134.2 MB

This is too much for loading into an image slideshow.

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