HTML5 Data Bindings State Management Support Product Page
calculating cookie dates
Reported 23 May 2018 09:01:34
has this problem
23 May 2018 09:01:34 Greta Garberini posted:
Hi, I need to calculate cookies so for example set cookie like onClick="dmxStateManagementAction('setCookie','mind','confirmed',({path:"/", type:"date", unit:"12", interval:"mm"}))"
obviously should produce a 12 month interval (starting as of May, 23rd 2018), whereas it produces an expiration date of "Thu, 23 May 2052 08:57:55 GMT"
Has there been an update I was not aware of or did I miss something else?
Current code is:
function dmxStateManagementAction(action, name, value, cookie, scope) { // v1.00 var evt = jQuery.event.fix(window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]), args = [name, value], db = jQuery.dmxDataBindings; if (cookie) { if (cookie.type == 'date' && cookie.interval && cookie.unit) { var nd = new Date(); switch(cookie.interval) { case 'y' : nd.setFullYear(nd.getFullYear() + cookie.unit); break; case 'mm': nd.setMonth(nd.getMonth() + cookie.unit); break; case 'h' : nd.setTime(nd.getTime() + cookie.unit*3600000); break; case 'm' : nd.setTime(nd.getTime() + cookie.unit*60000); break; default : nd.setDate(nd.getDate() + cookie.unit); break; } args.push(nd); } else { args.push(null); } args.push(cookie.path ? cookie.path : null); args.push(cookie.domain ? cookie.domain : null); args.push( ? : null); } if (db) db[action].apply(scope, args); evt.preventDefault(); }