HTML5 Data Bindings State Management Support Product Page
Cookie persistence
Asked 03 May 2016 12:28:14
have this question
03 May 2016 12:28:14 David Woolley posted:
A few questions:If there are more than one SetCookie behaviors on a tag (e.g. a link button), editing these behaviors from the Behaviors panel always shows the first cookie name in the list - it would be better to show the cookie name that is being edited.
Cookies are not being removed at the end of the browser session if they are setup this way.
They are quite persistent in both Chrome & Firefox after closing the browser.
I checked this with:
<?php print_r($_COOKIE);?>
and a javascript version.
No problem if I set a time period for the cookies.
I also put a button on the starting page with RemoveCookie behaviors attached, but the cookies are still persistent.